aleixmorgadas’s avataraleixmorgadas’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,460

    1. 1/ "We expect that anything can happen and we are never prepared for anything" This sentence resonated a lot with me Regardless of the risk management, regardless of being adaptative, regardless of how prepared do you think you're, World keeps surprising you
  1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
    2/ As a manager, your job is to make the teams, product, and business more resilient and adaptative to survive in several situations. Yet, I never felt that we reached a level where we can say "We're safe!" It's not viable.
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      3/ You manage the areas that are more probable to happen and the impact is higher. Then, you just accept those situations that are outside that scope, to be handled as you can.
      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
        4/ What I found is that a resilient team with a good adaptative mindset and skills to perform better than aiming to prevent risks. As always, it's a trade-off.
        1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
          5/ When hiring, I look for Adaptability Quotient and Emotional Quotient. They tend to perform better on high stake situations and fast-changing ecosystems as it's software today.
          1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
            6/ Adaptative socio-technical systems can perform better in facing adverse situations. DevOps and Continuous Improvement Mindsets play well here.
            1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
              7/ I see an analogy to how we are creating software today. Should we put more effort into ensuring we don't add a bug to production using tests or into the tooling to notice that something went bad to production and recover fast?
              1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                8/ At the end, we should be guided by "What's cheaper?" and the answer is a trade-off on multiple dimensions.
                1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                  9/ The best is to do this exercise with the team and stakeholders so we all commit when some risk situation happen and play well together