If you're unable to understand how to adapt the software for the scaling, you might experience different barriers. The practices, software, and approaches for Product-Market Fit are different from the needs of the Scaling stage. 2/
Past success on Product Market Fit might bring inertia to adapt the software for the Scaling phase You will need to remove code, create new, and so on You need to let go the current software, it brought you success, but it will stop your business growth if you don't adapt😞 3/
In the PMF stage, software needs to be adaptable for continuous experimentation. When you got verified the PMF, that becomes more stable and therefore you can have "less flexible software but more robust in terms of supporting the business growth" 4/
Understand in which stage of the product you're and adapt the software to those needs! Transitioning between stages is always painful, but what's more painful is past success creates inertia, and that inertia kills the business 5/
The software needs to be adapt to the business needs and stages. Being in scaling mode don't mean it will not change, but it will change in a different way than it did on PMT stage 6/