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    1. The Emerging Domain The missing 4th Domain Type of #DDD 1/7
  1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
    This article is based on my experience when collaboratively designing and defining Bounded Contexts and Domains using #DDD. When referring to a BC as Core Domain, it encouraged people to start a huge up-front design. There was the need to be right. 2/7
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      Core Domain is about competitive advantage. We want to excel at it. Yet, I found that it discouraged experimentation due to IMHO, a wrong interpretation of what's a Core Domain. I missed a domain type that encourages experimentation to discover well-defined Core Domains. 3/7
      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
        That's when I came up with something that we have been doing in the industry for a while but I missed a name. The Emerging Domain. I needed to relax the requirements that a Core Domain has in favor of experimentation to discover them. 4/7
        1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
          But just after that, people came with a second fear. > What if it converts into a BBoM? Because of the fear of not being able to evolve an MVP for example to a BBoM, we treat it as Core Domain with full effort just in case. IMO, this is a huge mistake from us. 5/7
          1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
            We need to acknowledge that Types Domains evolves as our product, business and industry do. Core Domain eventually becomes a Supportive. A Supportive eventually becomes Generic. Then, Emerging Domain eventually becomes Core 😁 We need to make that a natural evolution! 6/7
            1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
              I hope you find the concept and post interesting! Feedback is very welcomed 🧡 Thank you @kaeff and César for the feedback and input 🤗 7/7