aleixmorgadas’s avataraleixmorgadas’s Twitter Archive—№ 2,315

      1. …in reply to @DLion92
        @DLion92 Here is the local experience. As I said, the app is IO intensive. That's why sometimes they fail because I run all the tests in parallel as default.
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      @DLion92 Then they run successfully, and the experience local is faster than in the cloud. But the Cloud is more reliable than my M1 local machine environment. 15.99s local vs. 21.59 cloud Cloud cannot go faster than local due to latency.
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
    @DLion92 If I don't do multitasking, then locally tend to be more green 😄 But isn't it the beauty of not being concerned about overusing local resources and still having a complete green test suite before pushing to the main branch? hahaha