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      1. …in reply to @ctford
        @ctford @kanekotic Poll options are misleading. Strategy is about the next steps to overcome a problem, therefore the future. Yet, _planning_ the future maybe isn't the best approach 😅 Understanding the past is vital to know which is your starting point, to set the direction for the future.
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      @ctford @kanekotic So, I first focus on understanding the context. Which is about the past and what led us here. That part is essential as I fought against the past multiple times without being aware of the decisions/consequences.
  1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
    @ctford @kanekotic I start moving into the future when I feel comfortable with the context to make educated decisions. That future is uncertain. The important part is moving in a sensible direction that will give us enough information if we are going in the right direction. Fast feedback loops
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      @ctford @kanekotic There is no right first step, just one coherent enough to put us in the right direction. The anti-pattern here would be: - Paralysis analysis - Planning too ahead of time - No feedback loops - Following the plan blindly
      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
        @ctford @kanekotic More antipatterns: - Continuing with the past plans instead of adapting as the context change - Organization evolves, but the strategy is unable to capture that evolution. Creating inertia between organization needs and engineering, for example