aleixmorgadas’s avataraleixmorgadas’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,451

  1. How many services does your company externalize to “Product as a Service” providers? 5? 10? 100? There is an increasing market for managed services, and how would I start a <Product> as a Service product leveraging existing market solutions? 1/6
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      By looking into the landscape, I would need to build the "product instance management," aka control-plane, that ensures the system provides isolated product instances to different customers. 2/6
      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
        Of course, I wouldn't create the "isolated cloud instance" myself. Instead, I would rely on an existing solution. At this point, you might think of different solutions: - AWS EC2 - GCP CE - K8s All of them are generic compute APIs as a service that we could use. 3/6
        1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
          I need to control their life cycle, where they are deployed, and the network isolation when using those providers. It means I need to custom build a component that does that for me, aka data-plane. 4/6
          1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
            Who exists in the market that already provides a curated API that makes all that instance lifecycle easier? Yep, @flydotio would be a fantastic provider for the isolated cloud instance component. 5/6
            oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
            1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
              Nowadays, if you need to build this kind of product, I would definitely use to run the software instead of custom-building that component on top of K8s or AWS. 6/6
              1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                This the API I'm mentioning in the thread that would abstract all the machine lifecycle