aleixmorgadas’s avataraleixmorgadas’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,619

  1. We are developing with two environments Local and production We practice TBD. So, what prevents us to break production is our test suite and pairing When production breaks, monitoring should alert us before our clients notice We found some limits tho⤵️
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      Almost all SaaS that we integrate with assume we have a staging environment, forcing by design to their consumers to also have a staging environment. Decoupling that assumption to operate with local and production requires engineering.
      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
        1. Local isn't exposed to Internet. Therefore, you need to create a way for local to simulate it is staging. We are using for that.
        1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
          2. Performing realistic integration tests between components isn't possible without open source solutions We use Auth0 and they don't support a local experience. Similar to localstack for AWS Therefore, either you need to start a full working environment locally or test in prod
          1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
            If we could have used, then we could have dockerized the image, and use @testcontainers to perform the integration tests. Yet, the managed solutions weren't suitable for our needs, an we went with @auth0 even with the drawbacks. We mocked the integration