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A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. You cannot split a User Story into Frontend and Backend. A User Story is the minimum value deliverable unit. You cannot deliver frontend value today and backend value next week. Your customer will scream at you, and with good reasons!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. 1/ We have been debating with some colleagues about the importance of learning about our decisions within the organization, and how the fast rotation of talent that's happening lately is affecting the decision-making outcomes quality.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  3. Got the inspiration to continue my open source contribution to Symbol Blockchain creating the Symbol Dapp Framework 😄 Here I explain the platform vision! cc: @nemofficial
  4. 1/ One thing I share with the people is about the _dimensions of decision and influence_ and why it's important to at least have _two dimensions_ of influence Let's see a technical leadership position you have: - People dimension - Technology dimension Nomenclature might vary
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. I'm open-sourcing the template that I use to create side projects 🙌 A very opinionated one 🎯 The goal is to setup the project in production in less than 20 min with most of the best practices already in place
  6. Wouldn't be awesome to have a place to look for Engineering Strategy material? 🤩 I'm looking for contributors to help me add more references and materials ☺️ 🔁 RT is appreciated
  7. 💻☁️ The future of Development Environment looks Cloudly 1/🧵
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  8. 1/ I'm doing some reflection on how #DDD can help you spot a Platform as a Product Team from @TeamTopologies wrongly applied
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. I just talked with a very good friend working as Senior Engineer about what I would recommend him to learn as the next steps. He is quite a product-mindset person. He is genuinely interested in why we do things from a customer perspective. So, next steps? ... 1/13
  10. 1/ Side Project C started 🚀 It came after understanding the paradigm shift from Organizing teams, where we see a tendency toward @TeamTopologies, #DDD, and #DynamicReteaming as new emerging practices vs the old paradigm.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. The Emerging Domain The missing 4th Domain Type of #DDD 1/7
  12. Very few people can share their Engineering Strategies due to their confidentiality. That's why it's so hard to learn from others! I decided to adapt some engineering strategies I did in the past and share realistic approaches to how they can look like 😄
  13. #HexagonalArchitecture isn't a #bestpractice, it's a choice and you are responsible for it. You shouldn't be applying what others do without questioning the decision in our own context. You are responsible for your decision outcomes even though your decision is to copy others
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  14. 1/ Thread with the material I'm using to learn about #WardleyMapping 🗺🧭 I discovered about Warley Mapping when I went to @ddd_eu in 2018 and Simon was presenting the next talk 👇
  15. A todas las personas que atendieron mi charla de estrategia de ingeniería en la #bilbostack23 Os quería preguntar si os apetece hacer un ejercicio juntas sobre el tema para luego publicar esa estrategia de forma abierta Hay que romper el tabú! DM me! 🗣️
  16. That's how I feel after doing the @TeamTopologies courses 🤣
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  17. Loving how @todoist improved over time. Simple app, not over feature loaded, just improving the usability. No need a ton of features to make people pay the subscription. It does one thing and it does it well. Subscribed ✅