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  1. #HexagonalArchitecture isn't a #bestpractice, it's a choice and you are responsible for it. You shouldn't be applying what others do without questioning the decision in our own context. You are responsible for your decision outcomes even though your decision is to copy others
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. You can deliver customer value by eliminating code. Value addition != Code addition
  3. I think copilot helps you to maintain a code coherence as the suggestions are strongly based on previous code This has two outcomes: 1. If the base is good enough, it helps you to not decrease the quality 2. If the base isn't good enough, it prevents you to evolve it with ease
  4. Threads have been performing badly for me since Twitter Blue and long posts were introduced. LinkedIn is performing way better for me to share learning and insights. Now X, it's a pay to win platform. I even receive better engagement at mastodon. @aleixmorgadas/1689917782803050496
  5. The next images show a simplification of how we were using #teamcognitiveload and #teamtopologies fundamental team types and interaction modes to enable fast flow of change We used the Team-Cognitive-Load-Assessment to understand the team cognitive load in a quarterly basis 1/6
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. I'm blocking/muting all those blue accounts that shit post for engagement. My feed is becoming more valuable overtime thanks to that.
  7. oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  8. We choose Spring Boot (Blocking) with MongoDB. We added Spring Batch and hit the problem on the 3.X several of the patches to make Batch to work with Mongo are incompatible. We decided to move to Reactive to make the batch processing based on Flux
  9. The concept of "Model" is one of the hardest I found in the industry. How do you understand the concept? I will share later how it evolved since I started
  10. oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  11. Podré donar la turra sobre com dissenyar i executar la teva pròpia estratègia d'enginyeria a la #scbcn 🦄 Tota la il·lusió del món de contribuir a la primera conferència que vaig assistir i em van acollir des del primer moment 🧡
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  12. We had to renounce another SaaS provider because we needed to pay the Enterprise plan in order for the data for our users to be in Europe. Companies will understand at some point that privacy is a value proposition that some folks will not renounce.
  13. Twitter, una ayudita. ¿Dónde se tiene que ir comer en #Murcia si o si?
  14. We are developing with two environments Local and production We practice TBD. So, what prevents us to break production is our test suite and pairing When production breaks, monitoring should alert us before our clients notice We found some limits tho⤵️
  15. That frustrating moment that you go down the path of using a provider and then you just hit into a wall for your use case🥲 Lucky us, we didn't purchased anything
  16. We often complain about business not understanding tech. But does tech understand business? Learning "business" is also a forever learning journey (as any other discipline), we need to be more humble and learn together with our peers. Be patient as others are struggling too
  17. How it started vs how is it going. Today I decided to refactor how we were emitting and storing application events for later consumption and of course, it broke everything 🤣 Just imagine doing this refactor without a great test suite with integration tests 😓
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  18. I often reflect on why startups stop moving fast. They start lean, end-to-end delivery ownership, fast flow of change, but then stuff goes south. In this article I explore a cause that might not be obvious at first yet so common in the industry.
  19. I didn't recall Spain stops in August. Now, I have meetings in September already scheduled on a topic that we have been unable to sort out during July. 🥲 #OpenTabUntilSeptember
  20. This is our miro board for the team cognitive load application we are building. We don't have any ticket system to know what we need to do. We use #EventModeling to collaborate on the application expectations and then we implement it based on those Commands and Events.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. It's still easier for me to start with "what" and then move backwards to the "why". Sometimes the why isn't the best, yet it's good enough to keep us moving. 1/3
  22. Just received my @PipDecks on Strategy Tactics 🚀
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  23. We moved from #vercel to We hit the vercel limit too soon while developing the MVP for team cognitive load application. When you do more than a CRUD, you start finding the limits. Plus, the direction they are taking implies vendor locking 😓
  24. If you are using #keychron in Linux, you might be unable to change the layout. This is the guideline to fix the issue
  25. Did a guide to remember myself how to connect GitHub Actions with OIDC and AWS. Sharing with others too :D
  26. I encountered a problem with the Auth0 ManagementAPI token expiry. I created a configuration to refresh it every 12 hours since the default expiry is 24 hours. Here the code for Spring Boot:
  27. Remember that ethics is another skill each person needs to practice within an organization as part of the value stream. We have shifted-left: - Testing - Security - Ops Remember to shift-left ethics as well.
  28. ¡Gracias por invitarme @yodralopez @Marietait3! Poder ir a un directo sin prepararlo y pasármelo así de bien no pasa todos los días ☺️ @codingiscaring/1683828825493209093
  29. I've been redoing the Miro for Platform as a Product Workshop already three times 😓 There's a lot of unspoken knowledge in the first iteration that just assumes that the prework is done Without it, the workshop outcome can be a disaster. Working on facilitating the prework :)
  30. Ja he votat 🗳️
  31. ¡Con muchas ganas del directo! Compartir cosillas de @testcontainers siempre viene bien 😄 @codingiscaring/1682711924423770112
  32. The Interim Platform Team When a stream-aligned team starts supporting internal customers and doesn't transition to a platform team. The messy middle between desirable states. #TeamTopologies #PlatformTeam #PlatformGrouping
  33. I met a person that reached the maximum of a #Miro board 😱
  34. They are adorable 🥰 cc: @laiamart
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  35. I do think GitHub Copilot boosted my productivity by a lot. The more you use it, the more clever it becomes BUT, I do think that without testing, it is dangerous to use I'm feeling productive because it makes my TDD cycle faster but it assumes a lot of and it makes mistakes
  36. Spoken with a client today and knowing about #teamtopologies made the conversation way easier. We were able to discuss about introducing a platform team as well making the current value stream into two The expectations were clear and we focused on the implications the decision
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  37. Rosegacebes, means "gnaws onions" in Catalan, is the name of a mythological being, a kind of soul in pain, ghost or scarecrow that is part of the legends of the Pyrenees. Today you learned a little more about Catalonia ☺️
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  38. Pero que mala es Bird Box Barcelona