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        1. 1/ One thing I share with the people is about the _dimensions of decision and influence_ and why it's important to at least have _two dimensions_ of influence Let's see a technical leadership position you have: - People dimension - Technology dimension Nomenclature might vary
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
        2/ Definitions: ⚠️ This varies between companies. I'm oversimplifying the definitions! - People Dimension: Managers A role dedicated to people management, growing people, managing expectations, and alignments. The area of influence is people's behavior and expectations
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      3/ When receiving a problem/challenge, the tendency is to solve the problems by managing people. - New processes - New expectations - New delivery dates People are the main driver for getting the results
  1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
    4/ - Technology Dimension: Developers/Eng A role dedicated to solving problems through software solutions. The area of influence is technological solutions
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
      5/ When receiving a problem/challenge, the tendency is to solve the problems by delivering _technical solutions_ - New microservice - New tool - New delivery pipeline - New monitoring Technology is the main driver for getting the results
      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
        6/ - Combining Both Dimensions: Tech Lead/Engineering Lead. A role in leading people and technology. They have the expectations of both dimensions combined. Their area of influence is both People and Technical. 🚨Disclaimer, people do this regardless of their role!
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
        1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
          7/ When receiving a problem/challenge, the tendency is to solve the problems with the most appropriate approach. They tend to see the big picture and apply the proper approach, usually being a combination of the people and technology as the main solution.
          1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
            8/ When we become engineering leaders, we need to see the problems with the right eyes; otherwise, we will use half of the solution potential. We should see problems through the technical lens and from the people's perspective. It's harder but needed!
            1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
              9/ We might have a resilience problem that causes issues for our clients. Let's see how each approach might decide how to solve the problem! All of them are correct in their area of influence, but some are more complete than others.
              1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                10/ - People: Let's do an on-call process to get the problem fixed when it happens - Technical: Let's improve our monitoring and observability! But it'll take several weeks - Both dimensions: Let's create a monitoring dashboard that can help ops to resolve the issue by themselves
                1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                  11/ We are dealing with _sociotechnical systems_. You need both dimensions to be effective 😄 The sooner we realize that both are mutually dependent, the better! Did I mention Conway's Law? 🤣
                  1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                    12/ having influence in multiple dimensions doesn't mean you need to be excellent at all of them! You need to have criteria to identify good approaches from bad ones, but you need to be surrounded by people that combined you form a multidisciplinary team 😊
                    1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                      13/ Other interesting dimensions of influence: - Product - Design - Business - Ops ... Any area that it's important to deliver value to the customer 🧡
                      1. …in reply to @aleixmorgadas
                        14/ Clarifying here a little 🤣 You don't need to be in a leadership position to do this! People are already having multiple areas of influence regardless of their role 🧡 By having this multiple dimension influence, you can collaborate on with disciplines and drive innovation!